Announcing Metric Coffee Co.

I am so excited to announce our new partnership with Metric Coffee Co.  I have to be honest before meeting these guys I was a stop in Starbucks grab something quick and drink it to keep my day moving kind of guy.  But Xavier Alexander (former Roasting Manager at Intelligentsia) changed my mind with a quick 30 minute tasting.  He showed me that coffee like wine can be expressive of the place it came from and the way it is treated from picking to brewing.  We tasted through his line up of coffee just as I would taste through a set of wines.  Xavier and his partner Darko Arandjelovic (owner of Caffe Streets) are selecting coffee beans from around the world and roasting them right here in Chicago.  Not into hot coffee during the summer months?  Metric cold brew is honestly the best I have had, no need for creamer, sugar, or any additive.  They have really taken their time to make a product that is perfect right out of the tap.  Just ask our team of Chef's!  We got so excited about this product we put it on tap in the kitchen at Brix to keep the team moving fast all day!  Check out Metric Coffee at Caffe Streets or just let us know and we are happy to include it in your beverage package at your next event!